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Save a life - ride a rescue!
All our horses are located in Corvallis/Montana, unless otherwise stated! 

If you are interested in adopting any of our horses, please call Jasmin at (406)493-4978 to start the process!




Belgian/cross gelding

Age: approx. mid teens

Weight: 1600sh pounds

Feet: table trimmed with sedation

]Adoption fee; n/a

Location: Corvallis/Montana
Health: no special needs.

What we know: Charlie has been "untouchable" for the longest time with an unknown past. This poor soul must have been so traumatized in the past. He has been turned out with the herd, which has done him well. Even though extremely people shy, he loves treats and will stretch his head super long just to get one. He especially likes them over the fence where you can't get too close to him ;-)

He seems not halter broke and even when run in the chute and haltered, he is extremely nervous and will try to get away from you every chance he gets. Charlie gets heavily sedated for his trim on the farrier table. He has a club foot, but is sound and is a very top of the pecking order horse. He seems to want to trust, but has a very hard time with it so will need someone with a lot of time and patience! We are currently working with him on becoming more approachable and we hope he will warm up to humans some! We have a halter on him and we are working on clipping a lead rope on and off so we can walk with him, but it remains a challenge!





Status: available for adoption
Rides & Drives


Percheron gelding

Age: approx. early twenties

Weight: 1700sh pounds

Feet: lifts feet with patience

Adoption fee: $750

Location: Corvallis/Montana
Health: no special needs


What we know: Montana came to us with a severe bladder infection but is fine now. He takes some time to warm up to you, but is a good boy once he knows he can trust you. He stands to be brushed and we have worked with him on lifting his feet, so he is getting much better with that.
He just went through a refresher-month of driving and riding training with our trainer Creed and he seems to have been doing some of both in the past. Montana is a been there-done that type of boy who despite his age still enjoys getting out there a bit! He will. make someone a beautiful partner!




Status: available for adoption

***Companion horse***




Percheron/cross gelding

Age: approx. mid teens

Weight: 1966 pounds

Feet: table trimmed, but picks up fronts

now, working on hinds!

Adoption fee: $750

Health: no special needs but currently has thin soles, so he gets sore easily. 


What we know: Henry is a former bucking horse who was sold due to not being the best bucker. He was purchased by a "Cowboy"

who trained him to ride, for 30 days and sold him at an auction "green". Our trainer did well with him and he was adopted, but the adopter and her trainer "could not get anywhere with him" so they returned him. Henry was purchased at auction for $5100 and donated to the rescue. The purchaser wanted to ensure he would find a good home!
He has been turned out with the herd since coming back and enjoys his time with the other horses. He is super sweet on the ground and likes to be groomed and eat treats. He is easy to catch, but needs to learn yet how to pick up his feet and has only been trimmed on the table. Henry is drop dead gorgeous but during a recent animal communication session, he expressed that he does not trust himself NOT to buck and therefore and for the safety of all, does not want to be ridden. He does, however, want to be loved and cared for and there are other ways to spend time with your horse aside from riding and driving! Do some groundwork, some liberty work, brush him and love on him, take him on walks - he will so enjoy that!  




Status: awaiting



Percheron STALLION 
- to be castrated -


Age: 2 years

Weight: approx. 1200 pounds

Feet: stands to be trimmed

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Billings/Montana
Health:Valor came to us from an Amish family in February of 2025. He had been purchased at an auction for them by someone who did not see he was possibly having an issue with his leg/foot and deemed not be able to being a good working horse. 
We are giving him some time to settle in and will have him fully evaluated by a veterinarian shortly. He is a stunning boy!



Status: *** only available for adoption as a 

companion horse***


Belgian gelding

Age: approx. 3 years

Weight: 1808 pounds

Feet: table trimmed

Adoption fee: $500

Location: Corvallis/Montana
Health: wobbler/neurologic in hind end

What we know: as per previous owner,

Braveheart got his head stuck in a feeder in the fall of 2023

and has shown neurological signs since.

Since coming to the rescue, he has had chiropractic, cranio sacral and acupuncture treatments. He has gained control of

his hind end since, but he is not 100%. We have gelded him since coming to the rescue and performed the procedure on our trimming table, which allowed us to get him up right away! He is a sweet, sweet boy who loves attention, treats and being groomed. He still needs to learn to pick up his feet, which might be tough for him, given his condition. He has been trimmed on the trimming table while being with us and may very well always need this accommodation. 
We believe it might be too dangerous to train him as a riding horse, definitely as a driving horse, so if you are looking for a great, lovable, drop dead gorgeous draft horse to love and spoil, Braveheart is your man! 





Status: ***available for adoption***

Drives single and double, does not ride

Percheron gelding

Age: approx. mid-later teens

Weight: 1700sh pounds

Feet: table trimmed but lifts feet 

Adoption fee: $2000

Location: Corvallis/Montana
Health: no known issues

What we know: Dawson was sold as a former

6 hitch horse, which by DNA test turned out not

to be true. We have no other history on him. He turned out to be "too much horse" for the people who purchased him - and clearly not who he was sold as - so they donated him to the rescue and asked us to take good care of him and find him a good home.


Dawson came to the rescue where in the meantime he has gained 400+ pounds to put him at a good weight. We have worked with him a lot on gentling, haltering and leading as well as picking up his feet. 

He received a month of driving training and it turns out that he is well broke to drive single and double. 

He would not, however, take a saddle, he didn't like that at all ;-)



Status: ***in training ***

Belgian/cross gelding

Age: approx. mid teens

Weight: 1500sh pounds

Feet: table trimmed with sedation

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Corvallis/Montana
Health: no known issues


What we know: Oliver came from an auction and we have no history on him. At the end of 2023 he went through two months of training and deemed "untrainable", which made us really sad. He is thought to have been driven with a jockey-stick. 

So we sent him to a different trainer in April of 2024 where he spent four months and he can now be haltered and led, and he has been ridden. He is green broke at best and still needs someone to work with him quite a bit on getting more comfortable.

So we sent him to our driving trainer in Feb of 2025 to see how he will do with a team-horse.
Oliver loves attention and treats and has learned that humans are not all that bad! We are excited to see how he does in training and hope that this will be his breakthrough, opening him up to finding his very own person!

Sadie and Gunner_edited.jpg


Status: available for adoption

DRIVES and now RIDES, too!
Experience level: Intermediate 


Percheron gelding


Age: 19yrs

1823 pounds

Adoption fee: $500

Location: Corvallis/Montana
Health: dust allergies, receives daily Zyrtec currently/during the summer months.


Gunner is a gorgeous late teenager who came from a big ranch pulling wagons. But they described Gunner as very sensitive to noise and rather reactive, so he was surrendered to the rescue. He is a stout, stunning, true black Percheron whom we have worked with a lot recently on groundwork, desensitizing but also we have started him under saddle. Gunner is a beautiful mover and he is a BIG horse!

We also put the harness on him and ground drove him a few months ago and he did beautifully! 


Gunner does pick up all four feet, yet we trim him on the trimming table. What a beautiful partner he would make for someone who would want to do some light driving or riding! 


Status: ***in rehab after bilateral OCD surgery,

loose bone fragments in both hocks***

​Belgian gelding


Age: 3ish

Weight: approx. 1500 pounds

Feet: table trimmed, rough shape! 

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Corvallis/Montana


Health: Theo is a young Belgian gelding who was sold at a Montana auction in September of 2024. He had some bodywork already since his arrival here since he seemed rather weak in his hind end.

He has bilateral OCD (Osteochondrosies dissecans) in his hocks, which means he has little pieces of bone floating around that need to be surgically removed.


He is a sweet boy who enjoys treats and we look forward to getting to know him better and finding him a forever home after surgery and recovery!



Status: ***available for adoption***


Belgian Molly Mule

Adoption fee: $400

Feet: table trimmed. Lifts feet

hesitantly and will need some work!

 Location: Corvallis/MT

Health: Mabel is a sweet girl and loves to be brushed and loved on, yet she is a little more hesitant when it comes to her ears! She will pick up her feet, but will need some training to hold them up for the farrier. We don't know her history but we did put her in harness and she ground drove ok. She is an older girl but could do light, light work with someone that wants to do some leisure driving. She just wants to be loved and treated right, like all animals do! Mabel is a love to have around and an absolute beauty to look at!



Status: ***available for adoption as pasture pet only,

broke to drive, but has hock joint problems***


Belgian mare


Age: 18yrs

Weight: 2005 pounds

Feet: table trimmed

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Corvallis/Montana

Health: Sadie is a local owner surrender who use to pull wagons, but she was getting up in age and started to have some arthritis in her hocks and fronts. Our vet determined the best course of action will be Bute as needed for this sweet girl, who gets around just find, but should not be pulling hard anymore!

Sadie and Gunner_edited.jpg


Status: ***in rehab. Won't be availabe

for at least a year, if at all***



Mini gelding

Approx. 30 inches

Age: 5ish

Weight: approx. 207 pounds

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Corvallis/MT
Health:Frank the Tank sadly seems to have been neglected for quite some time with all of his feet being in terrible shape. He has had two trims so far with the next one being scheduled for early April and will be done at the vet office and with radiographs. We hope to be able to correct his feet but will assume at least a year for rehab! Little Franky gets around well, however, and remains feisty and a bit frightened, but is slowly but surely learning to love treats!

Frank the Tank.jpeg


Status: ***awaiting evaluation***

Percheron mare

16.1hh ish

Age: 20ish yrs 

Weight: 1600ish pounds

Feet: table trimmed

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Corvallis/Montana


Health: Snow is an older girl who is sometimes

unsure of humans still. She'll take a treat one day but not the other and catching is still a challenge. She is blind in her right eye, yet enucleation has not been deemed necessary by our vet as of yet. Miss Snow was one of the lucky 1H@AT19 that came to us in January of 2024 and she currently enjoys life within the herd! 




Spotted draft gelding

Approx. 15.1hh

Age: 20ish

Weight: 1662

Feet: table trimmed 10/27

Adoption fee: tbd


Health: Ben tested positive for Cushings and is now on Prascend to help regulate it. He will have to be dry lotted and have grass hay only. â€‹Ben is a sweet boy who has lots of life left in him and he is a looker for sure! He is an older boy but don't let his age fool you, he's got some spice left in him and I am excited to evaluate him soon! 

Ben BLS8.jpg


Status: ***awaiting evaluation***

Belgian Draft John Mule

17ish hh

Age: 20ish yrs 

Weight: 1500ish pounds

Feet: stands for the farrier

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Corvallis/Montana




Health: Ron is one of the lucky 1H@AT19 that came to us in January of 2024. He spent quite a few months in foster care in Kansas where he went through strangles and struggled with weight gain. He went on to foster care in Billings where he continued to gain weight and learned more about socializing! Ron is now at the main rescue facility in Corvallis and he is a beautiful soul who deserves his very own forever home!



Status: ***available for adoption***


Approx. 16.1hh

Age: 20ish

Weight: 1650

Feet: table trimmed 10/27

Adoption fee: $750


Health: Lily seems to be in good health with no obvious concerns. She lifts her feet and stands tied nicely. Enjoyos brushing and treats. 


We just recently started working with Lilly in the round pen and she takes a saddle nicely, following commands, and eager to please. We will ride her shortly.

Lily Bloom.jpg

BLAKE (former Steve)

Status: *** in rehab ***

Belgian Gelding

Height: 17hh

Age: 2 years

Weight: 1600ish pounds


Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Crawford/Colorado



Health: Blake has been with us since April 2024 and was completely untouchable at auction. In his first few months of foster care he has learned to halter and lead but he has a ways to go to become a "good citizen." He is a young, stunning, tall boy who will eventually be looking for a family of his own!



Status: *** available for adoption ***

Black Percheron mare

Height: 17hh

Age: approx. 20 years

Weight: 2050 pounds

Feet: lifts feet

Adoption fee: $2000

Location: Corvallis/MT​


Health: We had Black Beauty pregnancy checked right away since she is rather large, but she is open, which was a relief! By her looks, she has had many babies in the past and we assume, maybe she was sold at auction because she didn't "take" anymore.


She is a beautiful soul who was treated with antibiotics for 10 days due to an undetermined foul smell from her mouth, a possible tooth going bad. The antibiotics didn't quite resolve it so on 1/15/25 she had a tooth extracted and her sinuses flushed, which she is currentlly recovering from with another round of antibiotics. 


 She is rather easy to catch, halters and leads just fine despite being a little shy. We've done some round pen work with her and had a saddle on her, will be riding her shortly!

Black Beauty.jpg


Status: *** available for adoption***

Age Cookie: 4 yrs

Baby Cream: approx. 6 mos

Weight: Cookie 1000 pounds

Feet: pick up feet nicely

Adoption fee: $500/pair

Location: Corvallis/Montana



Health: sound
This beautiful pair ran through the September 2024 Billings/MT auction and I found myself raising my hand and bidding when they were in danger of being sold to a notorious kill buyer from Colorado! The baby had a large wound on her left front leg, bloody and swollen, which has been seen by the vet in the meantime and is fully healed. Radiographs show now joint damage! They came from an Indian Reservation and seemed unhandled, yet we have worked with them a lot and they now both catch, halter lead, load, pick up their feet, take a saddle pad and are both ready to find a home! We would love to keep them together, they are such a beautiful team! 

Cookie & Cream.jpg


Status: ***available for adoption ***

QH, possibly Arab Cross

Height: 15hh

Age: approx. 20 years

Weight:1015 pounds

Feet:trimmed standing up

Adoption fee Tucker: $350

Location: Corvallis/Montana​


Health: Tucker seems to be a healthy yet little older boy who may 

have never been ridden, but he did ok for us under saddle the few times we rode him, so he would need an experienced rider!


He has a crack in his left front hoof which will require a bar shoe if being ridden. 

If you are looking for a companion horse, however, Tucker might just be your boy! 

Rosie & Tucker 1_edited.jpg


Status: *** awaiting evaluation ***

Black Percheron gelding

Height: approx. 16.1 hh

Age: approx. 25 years

Weight: 1426 pounds

Feet: tbd

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Corvallis/MT​


Health: Oscar caught my attention at the auction because he is an older guy with a "flapping lip". Oscar seems to be in his mid twenties  based on his (not so good) teeth! As a matter of fact, the vet removed two without any tools, just by hand, they were so loose! He has some collar marks so we assume he was a driving horse, but except for some very light riding or driving, he probably shouldn't be doing much more than that in his retirement years!


Hotrod and Chuck

Status: *** available for adoption ***

Black Percheron Geldings


Height: approx. 17hh

Age: approx. 7 and 11 years old

Weight: tbd

Feet: tbd

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Justin/TX​


Health: Hotrod was sold at auction as "blind in one eye". Turns out he is completely blind and relies on his friend Chuck to be his seeing counterpart! They are handsome boys, lovable and in need of a home TOGETHER!! 


Hotrod and Chuck both stand still for grooming and seem to really enjoy it. No halter needed. They might need a minute to warm up to you but once they know they can trust you, they are the perfect gentlemen. Both love their ears scratched and come when called for attention. Hotrod being blind does "feel around" with his feet, so you have to be aware of that with your fencing. 



Status: *** awaiting evaluation ***

Shire or Clydesdale cross? gelding

Height: approx. 16.1hh

Age: unknown

Weight: tbd

Feet: tbd

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Corvallis/MT​


Health: Bucky earned his name by having a typical bucking horse brand on him. Poor baby! He came in with a big knee, might have been an accident or is just bad arthritis if he proves to be older. He had pretty bad hooves upon arrival, but would not allow us to trim him on the table, he would lay down and simply refuse to get back up, so we let him be! He is super eager to eat treats out of your hand, but does not like the idea of being touched. It will be interesting to see how he turns out in the next few weeks and months!

Bucky BLS8.jpg


Status: *** available for adoption ***

Black Percheron gelding

Height: approx. 17hh

Age: approx. 19-20 years

Weight: 1877 pounds

Feet: picks up all 4 easily

Adoption fee: $500

Location: Corvallis/MT​


Health: Felix is a drop dead gorgeous black Percheron gelding with no white markings whatsoever! He is a tall, stout boy who is in his late teens/early twenties, and we wonder, if it was just his age that landed him at auction. He did have a big right knee when he first came in, which resolved. Radiographs showed that he does have high and low ringbone so we have him in front shoes now to see how that helps him. He seems to have been well trained at some point and is soft to ride, calm and attentive in the round pen. He reacts to the slightest rein and leg pressure! He might work out just fine for someone wanting to just hop on every once in a while for a leisure ride!



Status: *** available for adoption ***

Breed: Percheron, mare

Height: 16.1 1/2 hh

Age: approx. 10 years

Weight: tbd

Feet: picks up all 4

Adoption fee: $3500

Location: Dish/Texas​


Health: Tiny is a big, stout mare who will benefit from losing a bit of weight so we have her on a hand-fed diet. She is a sweet girl and absolutely gentle!

We've done some lunge-line work with her in a bareback-pad and she seems to know exactly what's being asked of her! She likes to be brushed, picks up her feet and takes a bit easily.

We think Tiny was very well trained at some point in her life and we believe she will make someone a beautiful partner!


Clydesdale babies, registered

Status: ***availabe for adoption ***

Clydesdale stallions

Height: approx. 13hh

Age: approx. 6 months

Weight: tbd

Feet: tbd

Adoption fee: $6000/pair

Location: Dish/Texas​


Health:These beautiful babies ran through the Elkhart/Texas

auction Nov 2 and were a no-sale because they didn't bring

enough money for the owner. I offered 500 under asking price and they accepted so I decided to get them out of the auction pipeline! They did well in quarantine and are sweet and approachable. Ideally they would find a home together and will be castrated before they move on to their new home!  

Clydesdale babies.jpg


12/31 working ranch purchase

Status: *** awaiting evaluation***

Breed: Belgian mare, red roan

Height: approx. 17hh

Age: 6 years

Weight: 2050 pounds

Feet: lifts all 4

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Corvallis/Montana​


Health: Ginger is only six years old and was born on the ranch we purchased her from .She was born with a leg deformity and age & work only made it worse to where she has a big, arthritic knee. It doesn't seem to bother her here on our flat ground and not pulling or carrying heavy loads. Ginger had her third eyelid removed due to a mass which proved to be a squamous cell carcinoma (cancer) but hopefully the removal took care of the problem and her eye will be just fine! She is recovering from that currently and is learning not to be shy around us!
Ginger is broke to drive but should not pull any heavy loads with her knee. She might be able to do some light riding, we shall see!


KAIT Percheron mare, registered

and in foal

Percheron colt

Status: *** not available until mom has

her baby  in the spring and then some***

Breed: Percheron

Height mom: approx. 17hh

Height baby: approx. 14hh

Age:mom 5 years, baby 7 months

Weight: mom 1963, baby 807

Feet: mom will need to be taught to lift her feet, baby does great!

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Corvallis/MT​


Health: mom is pregnant and a bit thin and in need of TLC.
Baby is sweet and will come right up to you. He will need more handling, but already stands great for the farrier!

Mom has a sad story, being out of a world champion stallion, ending up at an auction. 
She will have her baby at the rescue sometime in the spring and won't be available until later next year. 

Baby is not weaned yet.



1/18 Elkhart auction

Status: *** in quarantine ***

Breed: Percheron, mare (registered)

Height: approx. 17hh

Age: 15 years

Weight: tbd

Feet: tbd

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Dish/Texas​


Health: Nic is a beautiful registered Percheron mare with horribly neglected feet! We will have the farrier work on her asap and hopefully she will allow it! She came from the auction 1/18 with strangles and hopefully we can get her through that! 

6 yr Belgian mare

1/18 Elkhart auction

Status: *** in quarantine ***

Breed: Belgian, mare

Height: approx. 17hh

Age:6 years

Weight: tbd

Feet: tbd

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Dish/Texas​


Health: This beautiful girl with a gorgeous full tail came from an auction where they rode her bareback through the ring. She was expensive at 3300$ but that was the minimum the sellers let her go for and when no one else wanted to pay that, we did so she could get out of the auction pipeline! She will do 30 days of quarantine before we will evaluate her and start looking for a home for her!

6 yr Belgian.jpg


2/17/2024 Elkhart auction

Status: *** available for adoption ***

Breed: Friesian cross mare (DNA

test pending)

Height: approx. 15hh

Age: 2 years

Weight: approx. 800 lbs

Feet: picks up all 4

Adoption fee: $1500

Location: Corvallis/Montana​


Health: This beautiful girl has been with us for almost a year now and was adopted a few months ago but was returned due to personal circumstances. Bella tested positive for EPM and we treated her successfully. She is not showing any signs of the disease and should go on to make someone a beautiful life partner! 



2/8/25 Elkhart/TX auction

Status: *** in quarantine ***

Breed: Percheron

Height: approx. 17hh

Age: 19 years

Weight: approx. 1700 lbs

Feet: tbd

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Sunset/TX​


Health: This beautiful Percheron mare came to us from the Elkhart/TX auction. She is 19 years old and was exposed. We will pregnancy check her shortly to see if she is indeed in foal! She is supposed to ride and drive. For now, she will be in quarantine for 30 days before evaluation and hopefully finding her new forever home!



Status: *** available for


Roand Belgian Gelding

Height: approx. 17hh

Age: approx. early teens

Weight: approx. 1700 lbs

Feet: $1000

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Justin/TX​


Health: Jepp was diagnosed with EPM and went through treatment. He is doing well now and moving fine! The EPM showed in a weak hind end, which seems to have resolved. 


He is an absolutely stunning boy with a full tail and we hope he will find his very own person who is aware that the EPM may or may not present itself again!


He knows how to ride and seems to have been trained well at some point, but he is still a very nervous horse, so he will need someone with experience who's very gentle at the same time! He seems to have a lot of trauma he is hanging on to and does get nervous and shakes. We believe past training is definitely there, but he shows some fear of being beat and/or getting in trouble, which is so sad. He is a great horse, but he needs to learn to trust again and gain his cinfidence back with the right person!



returned by adopter

Status: *** available for adoption ***

Breed: Hackney/Galiceno/Fell Pony

Height: approx. 14hh

Age: 4 years

Weight: 1090 pounds

Feet: learning to lift

Adoption fee: $500

Location: Corvallis/Montana​


Health: Twinkles is a handsome little guy who will be five years old this year. He was in an adoptive home since he was just a year old, but they just returned him, saying he wasn't the right horse for them. Unfortunately they seem to have taught him NOTHING so we have done some colt starting with him. He is a sweet soul, easy to catch, but he can be feisty, too! He is a little overweight and the adopters actually let him founder on Alfalfa, but hopefully with the right diet, that won't affect him in the future! We brought him up to date on wormer and vaccinations and he will be trimmed shortly, ready for a new home where he can learn and be loved!


20 yr Belgian mare

1/18 Elkhart auction

Status: *** in quarantine ***

Breed: Belgian, registered mare

Height: approx. 17hh

Age: 20 years

Weight: tbd

Feet: tbd

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Dish/Texas​


Health: This beautiful senior lady is said to be broke to ride and drive, but has a 'knot' on one of her knees that we need to have checked out. We assume she's a "been there, done that" horse who has been tossed due to her age. She was "ransomed" for $2750, which is the minimum the owners let her go for but we paid it, to ensure she would have a safe landing! She will go through 30 days of quarantine and we are excited to get to know this Beauty!

20yr Belgian.jpg


2/8/25 Elkhart/TX auction

Status: *** in quarantine ***

Breed: Belgian

Height: approx. 13hh

Age: 7 months, dob 6/2024

Weight: approx. 800 lbs

Feet: tbd

Adoption fee: tbd

Location: Sunset/TX​


Health: Marlene ran through the Elkhart auction and the highest bid was $1200, but the seller wanted more money and they POed her for $1600 - so I purchased her. At only 7 months old, she deserved to get out of the auction pipeline and start a good life! She will go through 30 days of quarantine and we are excited to get to know this beautiful baby!


1 Horse At A Time Draft Horse Rescue

Mailing address:
326 Popham Lane

Corvallis, MT 59828 USA



Tax-ID: 82-3848202
All donations are tax-deductible

to the extent allowed by law!


**Fully funded by the public since 2018**

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